Sunday, September 19, 2021

Dr. Allison Berry, Dr. Berry. Jefferson County Public Health Washington, Clallam County Health Mandates: Reverend Crystal Cox of Universal Church of Light Port Townsend, Washington, responds to Naysayers on the Jefferson County Health Port Townsend Facebook Page regarding the Covid Vaccine Dictatorship.

  Is Reverend Crystal Cox Dangerous? How about some Intellectual Humility.

I want to share a conversation on my local health board page, as I feel it is important. 

I am not looking for anyone to agree with me, that matters not, as I know my truth, and I help thousands, believe or not, that is between you and your God, your own conscience and your own research that you are personally comfortable with as a sovereign individual.  

However, those questioning my motives and saying I am gullible and following fake science, and that I am a danger, well I KNOW my Truth, and so it is up to you to know yours, I don’t speak for you and am simply providing information to ponder and further study, the discernment of that information is clearly up to the individual.  However, in that it is not your right or job to force that truth on anyway, force me to UNKNOW what I Know,  it is simply information,, take it or leave it. How is information dangerous if you are certain of your truth, and certain of the information your favorite doctor or politician gives you?

I do not work for man (mankind) nor submit my will or truth to governing bodies of mankind. I strive to be Christ-like and to actually inform and heal people WITH KNOWN CURES, in accordance with living God Law.  However over decades I have read thousands of studies and helped thousands more to heal with plant cures, energy cures, frequency cures, psychic and quantum healing, faith healing and more, even after the doctors of mankind told them nothing could be done and to go home and make yourself comfortable and they lived a decade longer and still going. 

Not my business what you do with your health and your body, until you force it on me, on my congregation members, on pastors within my church at their jobs, then it becomes my business to that degree and I speak out, for me not for you. Take it or Leave it. 

I have also exposed corruption for decades and been round and round with the FDA as they shut down blogs, and raided labs and tormented healers and herbalists who were actually providing cures.   Cancer is Curable and always has been. Believe it, don’t, that is on you. Still the Cures remain and millions use them.  

I do not support the unjust enrichment of pharmaceutical companies and it is not ok, to me, that there is a side effect of Death, to me that is knowingly maliciously harming the public and to the unjust enrichment of Big Pharma and their investors and their government co-conspirators. 

I moved to PT in 2012 and reported on what I believed to be payoffs and corruption within the Jefferson County Health Board in connection with their known lies of the carbon, the toxic poison coming from the mill, reported on that years ago. The Jefferson County Health Board is a PUPPET for the Agenda of the Dark Evil Overlords of which has NOTHING to do with actual cures, healing, compassion, information and REAL SCIENCE, oh and not to mention quantum physics. 

I don’t need a person in a white coat to tell me what they “think” when I have spent decades actually healing people and studying real data from across multiple realms with actual intellectual humility of which doctors in general do not seem to have. And when I have spoken with Jesus myself and channeled information for decades, I have remote viewed so much and have had supernatural experiences for decades of which I won’t pretend did not happen to make you more comfortable.   I know death and do not fear it. My body is a sacred temple of the divine and not owned by the corrupt twisted dark controlling governments of man.  I trust the power of the Living God and not the agenda of the government overlords of mankind. 

You cannot convince me that I have not seen what I actually have seen and personally experienced, nor studied and know what I actually know. Though it may bring you great comfort to some to assume me ignorant, that is simply not the case. 

My mission is not of man but of the Living God and your opinion of me, your gaslighting me does not actually change what I have truly experienced over decades, and I believe lifetimes. 

SO MANY PEOPLE ARE Gaslighting US in mass, when so many are speaking out about actual horrific experiences, including Eric Clapton, they disassociate and IGNORE the information, I don’t and so they bully me trying to “Convince” me to unsee what I saw, Unknow what I know, so they are more comfortable. 

Anyway here is the comment to me today on the Jefferson County Health Facebook Page. I am sure many feel the same, hence me giving my two cents per se, take it or leave it right, you don’t have to read any of my posts. 

“you are one dangerous individual. Your psychic goddess status does not make you an expert on infectious diseases and your search for confirmation bias makes you an easy target for these bullshit websites and pseudoscience crap that you persist in posting!”


“Thank You, Blessings to You. I have been healing people for over 30 years and am a multi generational psychic healer, i have studied alternative medicine, energy medicine, plant medicine for over 30 years, I have helped hundreds personally to cure themselves of cancer, of which has always been curable, I have groups of over 12, 000 people in my church congregation, with side effect stories from real people daily around the world.  I know how reality is created, I have had visions and spoke to spirit, to God, Goddess Jesus and more for decades. 

 My mission is altruistic and  I ABSOLUTELY KNOW and I don't listen to doctors nor immunologists, I actually study thousands of documents and seminars of the actual science and not what their agenda says, if I am dangerous, it is only to the greedy evil demonic pharma companies and the non elected health board dictators and not to the sovereign individual who does their own research. say what you will, I have witnessed it in mass over decades, believe what you want, won't change that people are suffering and dying from IT, you choose and create your own reality.  I am dangerous to your way of thinking because I truly am educated on IT.  I won’t pretend to UNKNOW for your comfort level. Intellectual Humility is important. Try being open to other information than the corrupt FDA, CDC, WHO, AMA, Pharma Companies. Goddess Bless You and Yours.

You're the easy target, I have dedicated my life to these studies. Your assumptions of my life, my studies, my knowing, my background are not my truth, nor an accurate portrayal of me.  There are millions of documents online, yeah I study, I Discern, if it makes you feel better to think me as gullible and easily brainwashed have at it.  As for Me and about me I KNOW FOR SURE.  If my words don't resonate with you, ignore them. A little research on your own, a little intellectual humility and you would see the truth in my words. One day you might.  Peace and Love to You and Yours.”

Also I spoke of the Ivermectin information as pseudoscience, and stated that it is Nobel prize winning research over decades. It’s origins with Moderna and Japanese soil are fascinating, I don’t personally advocate Ivermectin I simply share information, as for me I would rather take a natural form of Ivermectin such as Black Walnut Extract.  I have studied a lot on it. Do your own homework folks, make sure you are thinking for yourself. I do not need anyone to agree with me on anything. I stand strong and true in myself and in my connection to spirit, to the divine, to the Goddess, Mother God, Father God, Jesus and the Living God. 

Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light

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